UT Austin Astronomy Graduate Student Postdoc Seminar (GSPS), Spring 2015

Every other Friday, 4-5pm, (mostly) in the Astro Classroom (15.216B)

Past semesters:

Description/Motivation (cribbed from UC Berkeley's GSPS page):

Organizer: Jeffrey Silverman (JSilverman.at.astro.dot.as.dot.utexas.dot.edu). Please contact me if you have questions, comments, complaints, or requests for future topics or snacks and thanks for participating in GSPS!

Current Semester Schedule:

Date Slot 1 Topic/Title   Slot 2 Topic/Title
1/30 Michael Gully-Santiago The Shell, The GitHub, and The Internet: Tools of Scientific Revolution (bring laptops)
2/13 Chris Lindner Academia Shmacadamia pt. 2: It gets better! (Careers in data $cience)   Adam McKay First You Get the Money, Then You Get the Power, Then You Get the Telescope Time: Writing Grant and Telescope Proposals
2/27 Keaton Bell Does Being an Astronomy Ambassador Give You Astronomy Diplomatic Immunity? Summary of the AAS Astronomy Ambassadors Workshop   Trent Dupuy How to Give a Great Technical Talk
3/13 Aaron Smith Parallel Processing at your PC (...or Mac, I just really like alliteration)   Kevin Gullikson Bokeh For Beginners: Plotting in Python
3/271   Canceled: Prospies in town
4/102 Sera Markoff How 2 Apply 4 (and Get) Stuff
4/241 Sarah Tuttle Book (Club) Report: Seeing White: An Introduction to White Privilege and Race, Plus Some Stuff About TMT/Mauna Kea
5/13 Anthony Scopatz The Awesomeness of Scientific Python and Effective Computation in the Physical Sciences (and check out the book version!)
5/8 Rachael Livermore Feeling Like a Little Fish/Mermaid in a Big Pond/Ocean: (shr)Imposter Syndrome and You

1Will be held in Evans Conference Room (RLM 15.202A).

2Will be held 3pm-5pm (extra bonus hour!!).

3Special off-week GSPS!

Possible other topics (in no particular order):

Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Number AST-1302771.