UT Austin Astronomy Graduate Student Postdoc Seminar (GSPS), Spring 2018

Every other Friday, 4:00-5:00pm, in the Astro Classroom (15.216B) or Evans Conference Room (15.202A)

Past semesters:

Description/Motivation (from UC Berkeley's GSPS page):

Organizers: Patrick Drew (pdrew{at}utexas{dot}edu) & Sydney Sherman (ssherman{at}astro{dot}as{dot}utexas{dot}edu). Webmaster: Samuel Factor (sfactor{at}astro{dot}as{dot}utexas{dot}edu). Please contact us if you have questions, comments, complaints, or requests for future topics or snacks and thanks for participating in GSPS!

GSPS Founding Father: Jeffrey Silverman (JSilverman{at}astro{dot}as{dot}utexas{dot}edu)

Current Semester Schedule:

Date Presenter(s) Topic/Title Location
1/26 Canceled Canceled Canceled
2/9 Sydney Sherman Volunteer from anywhere and help students succeed Astro Classroom
2/23 Benny Tsang Astrobites: beyon seven years of astro-blogging Astro Classroom
3/9 Aaron Lee Improv for scientists: Connecting with your audience Evans
3/23 Canceled Canceled Canceled
4/6 Sinclaire Manning History of the World Cup Astro Classroom
4/20 Brian Mulligan XQUIZ: an easy to use question bank and quiz generation tool;
The UT astronomy grad student wiki and you
Astro Classroom
5/4 Jessical Luna You have great health insurance, USE IT! Canceled
5/11 Chris Lindner Academia Schmacademia Part 4 Indeed

Possible other topics (in no particular order):