UT Austin Astronomy Graduate Student Postdoc Seminar (GSPS), Fall 2015

Every other Friday, 3:30-4:30pm, in the Astro Classroom (15.216B) or Evans Conference Room (15.202A)

Past semesters:

Description/Motivation (cribbed from UC Berkeley's GSPS page):

Organizers: Jeffrey Silverman (JSilverman.at.astro.dot.as.dot.utexas.dot.edu) & Matt Stevans (Stevans.at.astro.dot.as.dot.utexas.dot.edu). Please contact us if you have questions, comments, complaints, or requests for future topics or snacks and thanks for participating in GSPS!

Current Semester Schedule:

Date Presenter(s) Topic/Title Location
8/28 Jeremy Ritter & Brian Mulligan Bash Scripting and the Wonders of 'awk' (plus some notes and more scripts here) Astro Classroom
9/181 Chris Lindner Academia Shmacadamia pt. 3: Having a Tech Job in Austin (and field trip to Civitas Learning) 100 Congress Ave., 3rd floor
9/25 Raquel Martinez, Natalie Gosnell, Sarah Tuttle Discussion & Summary of the Inclusive Astronomy Conference (Conference Website) Astro Classroom
10/9 Jacob Hummel Beyond @astro: Tools for Intradepartmental Collaboration and Pictures of Pugs Evans
10/23 Matt Stevans Search For Common Characteristics of Hubble Fellows, slides originally from Jonathan Trump Astro Classroom
11/6 Kevin Gullikson Packaging & Distributing (Python) Code for Fun and Citations (related talk by Erik Tollerud) Astro Classroom
11/20 Yao-Lun Yang The Dark Magic of Radio Astronomy Astro Classroom
12/4 Keaton Bell & Stefano Meschiari Astro Writing for the Public (Keaton's press release) and
McDonald Observatory's "Ask An Astronomer" Page (page is here)
Astro Classroom

1Special off-week GSPS!

Possible other topics (in no particular order):

Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Number AST-1302771.