bash primer Standard input/output/error Keyboard shortcuts ^C (break), ^D (end of file), Up arrow/^P & Down arrow/^N (command recall) Wildcard expansions and shortcuts . and .. *.txt (all files ending in .txt) data0?.dat (any files starting with data0 followed by a single character and .dat) data0[12345].dat (data01.dat through data05.dat) data0[1-5].dat (same as above) ~ (your home directory), ~user (user's home directory) Redirects >, 2>, &> >>, &>> >&2, 2>&1 Pipes |, 2|, - Command terminators/seperators ;, &, &&, ||, () Here documents, strings COMMAND << FILE (vs: cat FILE | COMMAND) COMMAND <<< $VAR (vs: echo $VAR | COMMAND) COMMAND << EOF VAR="string" VAR=123 VAR=$(ls) VAR=`seq 1 10` VAR=$((2+2)) VAR={1..10} VAR=(string 123) VAR[0]=string VAR[1]=123 echo $VAR echo ${VAR[1]} echo $((VAR[1])) for VAR in LIST; do COMMAND; done for ((VAR=1; VAR < 5; VAR++)); do COMMAND; done while EXPR; do COMMAND; done if EXPR; then COMMAND; else COMMAND; fi man test if [ $VAR = 1 ]; then if [ $VAR == "one" ]; then if [[ $VAR == *one* ]]; then if [[ $VAR =~ "(one|1)" ]]; then EXAMPLES ---------------------------- for x in {1..10}; do touch data_$x.dat; done for x in *.dat; do NUM=$(cut -d'_' -f2 <<< $x); echo $NUM; done for x in *.dat; do NUM=$(cut -d'_' -f2 <<< $x); mv $x old_$NUM.dat; done for x in *.dat; do mv $x $(sed -e 's/data/old/' <<< $x); done dmesg | while read LINE; do sed -e 's/pages/potatos/' <<< $LINE; done # print the 3rd, 7th, and 8th columns from a data table cat table.dat | awk '{print $3, $7, $8}' # average all the numbers in the 1st column # first set of brackets are commands executed for every line # second set of brackets (after END) are only executed at the end cat table.dat | awk '{n=n+1; sum=sum+$1} END {print sum/n}'