Put all of my random general-purpose scripts into a python package
pip install kglib
Ivan made a tutorial notebook for his q2 code, and recruited 3 new users!
Jacob, Aaron, and Alex packaged up Jacob's pyGadget code and set up Sphinx documentation. He also helped Jason visualize some simulation data using pyGadget.
Kyle got TelFit running on his laptop and went through the tutorial I gave earlier in the week.
Discovered how powerful anaconda and jupyter notebooks are (more on that later)
(in no particular order)
Collaboration: Even if you are working on your own project, if you run into a problem the first step can be to ask if anyone can help rather than googling the issue. This generally leads to a much faster solution.
Side project completion: You can work on that little side project that you have been meaning to do forever but just can't find the time.
Learn what's out there: We come up with very similar ideas all the time, so it's very likely that someone else has already done what you need, or knows that there is already a tool that will save you a lot of time.
"I have to work on my paper/project." Great! Do that in a collaborative environment. Ask for help rewording something. Ask people how a figure looks. Maybe even gain a new collaborator who knows how to do your analysis in a better way.
"I don't think I could help with a project."
"I have a meeting from 11-12 and a telecon from 2-3." As the name implies, Hack Day is a whole day thing, but you don't have to be there the entire time. Several attendees did this, in fact.